Individual & Family Counselling

Contacting Patrick either by phone or messaging through this website will lead to a brief consultation to make sure he can provide you with the services you require. Then you will arrange an initial one-hour session at a mutually convenient time.

Patrick provides a comfortable and confidential place for you to discuss your concerns and problems as you see them or experience them. He will pay close attention to them with you, offering new ways to see them or approach them, or by asking questions to elicit thoughts and feelings to help untangle the problem.

Patrick’s approach is one of patience and compassion. His basic assumption is that your life is meaningful, that no-one’s soul is mediocre, and the particularities and peculiarities of your life are your masterpiece.

Whilst Patrick is trained and informed in a variety of therapeutic models, you will not be expected to fit into any theoretical mold, category or standard. The human psyche is an inexhaustible wellspring of unconscious and ambiguous contents. If the goal is insight into one’s personal unconscious, then what is needed is an over-arching sense of safety, comfort and relatability between client and therapist – an alliance – so that whatever problems or concerns you’re experiencing can be met with courage and curiosity, and you can come to be on more friendly terms with these aspects of your Self.

Counselling; psychotherapy; clinical social work… these terms are used relatively interchangeably. Essentially you will be sharing aspects of your experience, through a common language, dependent on your comfort level. Spoken thoughts, feelings, reflections, drawings, dreams or other creative outputs – they are all valid ways to access the inner world of the psyche, and Patrick will be honoured to engage them with you.

Since 2018 Patrick has been meeting with individuals and families of Windsor and the surroundings areas as a registered social worker and psychotherapist. A member of the Ontario College of Social Work and Social Service Workers, he is trained to deliver counselling and practice psychotherapy to help people with their problems and gain Self-knowledge. His office is a safe and congenial setting for you to begin to come to terms with your Self through an exploration and meaningful encounter with your inner world.